Sunday 6 October 2013

His Love Never Fails

I've been through some tough times. More than once I've wondered, "God, why?" and lately He's not just answered that question, He's yelled it in my face. Of course, I'm a musician, so He has a tendency to communicate with me through music.

Two songs:

Your Love Never Fails:
I love the chorus. When the oceans rage, I don't have to be afraid because I know that you love me. I've never lived close enough to the ocean to see the raging ocean, but I've seen videos, and that's enough for me. But God created that ocean, that storm, that fear. Why fear Him?

Because He sent the storm against you?

Well, unless you happen to be Jonah (Dude, where did you get wifi in the Old Testament?), chances are He didn't. God's love NEVER fails. Ever. Not tomorrow, not next week, not in five bazillion years, NEVER.  It's hard for us to understand that. He loves eternally, never endingly. Humans are just unable to love like that. we always have conditions, we always have those days.

I realise that I sound like a Sunday school teacher talking to a bunch of four year olds, but Jesus once said that the truth is revealed to little children, so maybe we should listen to the Sunday school teachers more often...

My second song:
Blessed be the Name of the Lord:
Yes, His love is eternal, but doesn't mean that I can just slack off knowing this. I need to praise Him. In the good times, in the bad times. I know, again, that what I'm about to say is over used, but it's true. we need to remember to love Him in the middle times too. It's hard to praise in the normal, but it has to be done. He sent the raging storm, the calm seas, and the fair sailing. No matter whether or not we like our situation, God is in it and we have to praise Him.

Will you? Will I?

1 comment:

  1. Read 2 Chronicles 32, the story of Hezekiah, and look at what God did right at the end of the chapter. Then look at some of the Catholic saints and the Dark Night of the Soul. Just fuel for thought.
