Tuesday 26 April 2016


So I went to visit my College this weekend, it was grad so I figured I ought to go say hi. I actually decided that last Tuesday night right before my shift ended, and since I had the next week off, I decided to leave the next morning.

So yeah. I drove ten hours last Wednesday, then another four hours on Thursday to get to Three Hills in time for chapel (it was cancelled).

It was great to see my old friends and celebrate as many of them graduated, but now I'm home in Thompson and have *nothing* to do but think.

Throughout most of the last year or so of my college career I was looking forwards to getting out. I couldn't wait to start my own life, to get a job in industry, and live on my own.

But now that I have  all that, I miss college. I miss getting to just walk into my friend's room and sit down and chat, I miss texting them as soon as we were out of class to go find an abandoned home or a ghost town or a windmill.

But then I remember that I just wanted to leave, and I suppose that it's easiest to remember the good times, especially when the bad times are in the past, and I wonder what I will cherish about this chapter in my life once I move on.

So graduates, remember the good times you had, forget the bad, but don't forget that, as John Green says, "nostalgia is inevitably a yearning for a past that never existed".

Goodness, I sound like I'm old...