Saturday 19 September 2015

A New Chapter

August 17th, 2013: I moved into Prairie Bible Institute, I was 17 and eager to learn about the Bible and about aviation. I walked into my room, the small bed was bare, and the white walls as well. It wasn't long though before I moved in. I put posters and maps up on the walls, I had beding on the bed, books on the shelves, and my computer set up on the desk. Over time more and more books found their way onto my shelves, I aquired more posters, and I upgraded my computer gear.

That room became my home, the people around me became my family.

And today, two years, one month and two days later, I'm leaving. Last week I completed my flight training, and in just a couple hours my parents will arrive and we will drive back to Kamloops.

This chapter of my life is coming to a close.

The other day I was looking through my journals, and I found the entry from that first day here at Prairie, I wrote, "I'm nervous about college, but I know God will get me through". He certainly did, and I know He'll get me through this new chapter.