Monday 2 November 2020

To November

 Welcome to November. Five years ago last week I left BC and moved to Manitoba to start my career as a pilot

 If you've ever sat down with me or heard me talk about my experience and preparation for ministry, you've probably heard about my time flying in Manitoba and Ontario, so I won't go into depth about it. But everytime I talk about it I'm amazed at how God has been working.

Last time I was living in BC I had just finished college and was trying to find work and start my career. Now, half a decade later, I'm back; but this time I'm building up my support team and getting ready to head to the DRC and serve with MAF. In many ways, things are the same, but also completely different.

It was five years ago that I left BC, but only one year ago next week that I signed on the dotted line and joined MAF. I'll be honest, I'm not where I thought I would be by now, but I don't think any of us are. It's been a crazy year, but God has proven Himself faithful again and again. So many missionaries that I have talked to have shared how the support they need to do their work has continued to come in through this pandemic, and how people are even more willing to support during this time. It is so encouraging to know that God is on our side, is it not?

And again, God is working. Last month I announced that my outgoing fund was passed the 100% mark. It has continued to grow as God has continued to be faithful: my monthyl support passed the 2/3 mark last week, and is already well on its way to the 3/4 mark! Thank-you so much to everyone who has so generously supported this ministry, I can't express how grateful I am!