Tuesday 31 December 2019

To a New Year

Firstly, Happy New Year!
Or not, if you're reading this later. In which case, happy day!

It's been a good year, but I'm not going to wax poetic about that. I want to talk about this month instead.

I officially started with MAF on December first, and God has been going ahead of me throughout the support raising process. It had been only a month, and I'm already past 25% of my support!

Thank-you to everyone who is supporting my ministry. Seeing this response has been a huge encouragement for me!

Last week I flew back to BC to spend the Holidays with my family. I conveniently "forgot" to tell my parents that I was coming, so they were very happy to see me on Christmas Eve. We then spent a few days in a cabin near Wells Gray Park, where we had no reception or internet (sorry if you tried to get a hold of me). We spent the day snowshoeing, reading, and playing cards.

Our little cabin in the woods
This weekend I will be heading down to the MAFUS base in Nampa for candidacy. I will be there for two weeks learning more about MAF, and about working cross-culturally.

I will then be returning to Kamloops, where I will be speaking briefly at Sahali Fellowship Church on January 18th (feel free to come if you're in the area), and meeting with friends and supporters. If you're in the area and want to have coffee, let me know!

Thank-you (again) to everyone who is supporting my ministry, thank-you to everyone who has been praying for me, and thank-you to you, for reading this.

As always, if you want to hear more, you can check out my webpage here, or my Facebook page here. Or you can e-mail me at dvilleneuve@maf.org.

Thank-you everyone, may the Lord bless you through 2020.

Monday 2 December 2019

The Beginning

Saturday was my last day at my job here in Red Lake. I am now full-time with Mission Aviation Fellowship, preparing to serve in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

As I said in my last post, my first ministry assignment is to build up a ministry partnership team that will pray for me and contribute to the financial needs of my ministry. And so, that is what I have started doing today.

From one of my last flights
I am excited to start this new season, though I am sad to leave the job I have had for the past two and a half years. Looking back, I can see how the Lord has been preparing me for this ministry, and I praise Him for His faithfulness.

From my last day
I am excited to see what God will do in and through me in this next season. Though I am nervous, I have faith that everything will work out for His glory.

Please prayerfully consider whether the Lord is calling you to invest in this MAF ministry; your support can impact so many lives for Christ.

Wherever the Lord leads you, please pray for me as I build my team and share about the calling that God has placed on my life.

You can learn more about my ministry at my webpage by clicking here, or through my Facebook page by clicking here.

Thank-you for reading, thank-you for your support, and God bless!
