Monday 22 March 2021

One Challenge Down

 So let's start with the big news: I now have 100% of the support I need to go to the DRC!
I can't express how excited I am, and how humbled I am by God's provision during this time of support raising.

It hasn't been easy, though to be honest the pandemic has made things hard for everyone. But God is sovereign through it all, and He has been working in my life. I encourage you to look at your life and see where He has been working.

So now that I have my support raised, what next?
I will be going to the MAF headquarters in Idaho on April 22nd, I will spend about a month and half there, doing cultural orientation and my technical standardization. On June 5th I will fly from Idaho out to Africa, Lord willing. Once in DRC I will spend two weeks getting myself settled and recieving orientation in country.

The bins I will pack my stuff into.
I didn't realize how big they are!
 It would be easy to relax now that I have all the support I need, and I certainly am planing a brief vacation in a couple weeks, but between now and when I leave in April I will continue to fundraise. Though I have 100% of my support, I would like to raise extra to make sure that I can stay overseas long-term. Of course, if you would like to contribute, you can click here for my webpage. I will also be working hard at preparing all the details of moving overseas, such as packing all my stuff together. Fortunately, when I left Red Lake I sorted through my stuff and was able to figure out what I was going to bring with me then. So all I have left to do is pack it all for transport.

I am so excited to be in this final step of preparation for the field. It has cer
tainly been a long road, and I look forwards to what God will be doing through my ministry in the future.