Tuesday 20 December 2016

It's Christmas Time

Only a few more days until Christmas, excitement is building, the kids are out of school, programs are shutting down until the new year, and the shelves at stores are starting to empty.

Have you gotten your Christmas shopping done? You might want to get onto it...

Remember to remind your friends and family how much you love them, and maybe even give joy to someone who doesn't have any this time of year.

But in all this, let's not forget to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, and remember that hope came to man kind as a baby in a manger because we could not make room for him in the inn.

Merry Christmas.

Tuesday 6 December 2016

On Christmas Trees

And so it's December

And the tree's been put up

Another batch of cookies,

And a new one's just begun!

 (Try singing that to the tune of "So This Is Christmas", it kinda works)

 Well, not actually, but I'll get those done sooner or later.

But hey, Christmas season is started!  And that means Christmas trees!

Thompson is the most northern place I have ever lived, and as a result, I'm still not used to how late the sun rises and how early it sets.

But Christmas trees and all the other decorations give us light during these days closest to the winter solstice.

Much like Jesus gives us light in our darkest time.

It's almost as if we were celebrating His birth or something...