Tuesday 6 October 2020

The Drive

 As mentioned in my last post, I am no longer in Red Lake.

Good-bye Ontario!

Last week I had breakfast at Tim Horton's with a couple friends and then drove the 3057 kilometers back to my hometown of Kamloops. Well... I took a few days to do it, but it was still a pretty long trip!

Before I left, my car had some... issues... We fixed them, but I was a little worried about going into such a long trip. But, praise God, everything went fine. The worst part of the trip was all the wind while I drove through Saskatchewan. My car is a box on wheels, and so is pretty succeptible to wind; add the canoe on the roof, and the crazy strong winds made for a white-knuckle drive across the prairies.

All packed and leaving my appartment

I got to visit with so many friends and supporters, it was so encouraging to see everyone! And the drive along the trans-canada is so beautiful!

I am happy to be back in my old stomping grounds, though I am sad to leave Red Lake. But I'm excited to see what God does during this time as He continues to provide for my financial support!

Speaking of which... Shortly before leaving Red Lake my outgoing fund smashed through the 100% mark! Praise God! It is now sitting pretty at 109%. Thank-you to everyone who gave so generously! For those who are wondering, all the excess gets split between my first 48 month term, and treated like a monthly donation. So if you want to bless my ministry through a one-time donation, you still can, and it is greatly appreciated! (Click here to go to my ministry page and set-up your donation online).

Kicking Horse Pass. My favorite spot along the Trans-Canada

Thank-you again for everyone who is praying for my ministry, and/or supporting it financially! I appreciate all of you! If you're new and want to get involved, the link above will take you to my webpage (or click here) or get in touch with me directly!