Friday 21 February 2014

Camping! ...Kinda...

So as most of my regular readers ought to know by now is that I’m an aviation student. As I’ve said before, safety is our top priority, however we recognize that things happen.

That’s why we have a survival course. That way if the worse happens, we can hopefully still stay alive. We leave on this adventure tomorrow.

We spend a day and a bit learning all about how to survive (Making fires, shelters etc…), then monday we leave for our survival trip. We go way out into the middle of nowhere, get split into teams, then are left to survive for several days. Come Friday, they pick us up and we go home.

Oh and did I mention that we’re only allowed one change of clothes, a sleeping bag, thermarest, a water bottle, a knife, a Bible, and a headlamp per person, and each group of four or five is given enough food for one person for one day, and a small pot? That’s it.

We leave tomorrow.

We’ll be miserable, hungry, cold, and bored. I can’t wait.

1 comment:

  1. Gilligan's Island (but you're too young to know that show) Don't forget your long johns!
