Sunday 9 February 2014


A few weeks ago, I wrote a post about safety. Particularly the need for helmets.

Safety is something that I also have to consider in aviation.

What a lot of people don’t realise, is that safety in a flight is more that just making sure that your plane isn’t too heavy. Weight is a factor, but we also have to make sure that the weight is in the right place.

If it’s not, then our center of gravity could be in the wrong place, and we might not be able to get out of an emergency.

We also have to think about what to do if an engine fails, or a deer suddenly runs out on the runway in front of us. What if I hit some unexpected clouds?

You get the idea. There’s a lot of safety things to think about.

I’ve been thinking a lot about safety as a result, and I’ve come to the realisation that I can only do so much. I have to trust the mechanics that they did their job right, I have to trust the company that made my plane that they calculated where the center of gravity envelope is correctly…

You get the idea.

Ultimately, I guess that I have to trust God. He always provides. All we have to do, and all we can do, is pray.

Though sometimes He doesn’t answer prayer the way we like.

People  need to remember that God often answers our prayers by seemingly doing the opposite of what we want Him to do. Particularly when it comes to safety.

I have found that God often lets (or causes, I’m not one to say) accidents to happen. When that happens, we tend to either say “Why God?” or “Thank-you God that no one got hurt”. What I think is really happening there is God is saying, “You want me to keep you safe? Alright, but you’re gunna have to at least try!” so when those accidents happen, I think God is trying to tell us that we’re not holding our end of the bargain.

In the end, practice safety. And ALWAYS look for a way to improve.

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