Sunday 10 November 2013

What's the Catch?

Earlier this week, I went to Calgary with a bunch of people from the college to serve hot chocolate on the street. What happened has got me thinking.

Well, lots of things happened, but one thing happened constantly; this is the conversation that seemed to happen constantly as if on a broken record:

Hi there! Would you like a hot chocolate?

How much?


What’s the catch?

There isn’t a catch!

I’m not interested

That happened so often, it was ridiculous! And I started thinking how that seems to be the same thing people say about Christianity.

What’s the catch?

I don’t know if you would call it a catch, but I guess in a sense we do have to do something…

We have to be totally devoted. God doesn’t want half of you. He wants all of you. He doesn’t want lukewarm, He wants hot.

But here’s the thing, if you’ve accepted that Jesus died on the cross in your place, wouldn’t it follow logically that you would be willing to give everything?

If the God described in the Bible exists, and everything the Bible say about Him is true, how is it that we who believe this don’t live like it, giving everything?

You see, there is a catch: God doesn’t ask for anything, but if you truly understand and accept what He did, there is nothing that you should want to hold back.

You see, there is no catch: God doesn’t ask for anything, but if you truly understand and accept what He did, there is nothing that you should want to hold back.

Did I just contradict myself? I don’t think I did. Think about it.

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