Wednesday 20 November 2013

Grow Up!

I’m in college now. Technically speaking, I’m an adult. Everyone says that because of that I should start acting like my age. But what does that mean?

Should I start reading complicated books that look extremely dry? I already do that in class…

Should I stop doing “childish things”? Define “childish things”. Does that mean not having a temper tantrum every time something doesn’t go my way? I don’t do that. Does that mean I’m a grown up?

In a way I think that does. But we need to be careful when we say that; being a grown up sometimes starts to mean you can’t act like a little kid every now and then.

If I were to stop acting like a little kid, I would probably go insane. Being silly, having fun, doing things that are kinda stupid is the best part of life.

I was crazy excited when when my roommate bought almost a kilo of raw cookie dough. I wasn’t going to cook any, I was just going to eat it as is. Just like when I was four.

When I make waffles at the continental breakfast, I still clean out the leftover batter from the little cup and eat that right away.

I went outside the other day to play in the snow with some friends. We made snow angels, then found a massive snow drift and started tunneling into it. Sure, one collapsed on me, but that made it even more fun.

I will willingly make an ice cream sundae with brownies and the whole nine yards. Even in winter.

Sledding with just a cardboard box and a garbage bag is also great childish fun that I will willingly do at the drop of a hat. Does all this mean I haven’t grown up? Or does it mean that I grew up well?

Growing old is mandatory. Growing up is optional.


  1. Sounds like fun to me, although I do hope you did not eat all your roommates cookie dough.
