Tuesday 8 September 2020

On Leaving. Both Planned and Unplanned.

 Welcome to September.

It feels like more than a month since I last wrote a post.

August was... interesting...

I started the month off with quarantine after having traveled to the states. While sitting at home, wishing I could leave, I dreamt of camping and was planning a weekend trip. Then on my first day of freedom, I looked out the window and saw a collumn of smoke. Within a couple hours the fire grew and moved towards town. I fuelled up my car and packed a bag.

I went to spend the evening with some friends, but a few minutes after arriving we were given an evacuation notice. So off we went. We spent the first night at a church in the next town over, and then spent the rest of the week camping at Blue Lake Provincial Park. Guess I got my camping wish.

I had a great time with my friends, talking about life, going for walks, and wondering when we would be allowed home. Honestly, by the time we were able to go home, part of me wanted to stay!

There was some uncertainty. We didn't know how long we would be there for, we didn't know what we would return home to, but we found comfort in God's faithfulness, knowing that He will neither leave us nor forsake us.

And now I'm looking towards a new uncertainty. I will be leaving Red Lake, the town I've called home for three and a half years, at the end of this month. I will be driving back to Kamloops to stay with my parents until I have finished support raising and am ready to go to the DRC. As excited as I am to spend time in my old stomping grounds, I am sad to leave my friends here.

But God is constant, He is alwas with me, He promises that He will never leave nor forsake His people. And I know that I will return to Red Lake, even if its only to visit. So I look forwards to God's continuing faithfulness, whether through literal fires, or through the metaphorical fires, through change and uncertainty.

Please pray for me as I prepare to leave and plan the trip. If you live between Red Lake and Kamloops, let me know, I would love to stop for a coffee while I'm driving through!

And of course, if you aren't already, please prayerfully consider supporting my ministry. I would love to tell you more about what I will be doing with MAF in the DRC, so do get in touch!

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