Tuesday 27 September 2016

Well, It Has Been A While...

Yeah, it has been, hasn't it?

So what's goig on?

Well, I'm still in Thompson working for Perimeter as a Ramp Attendant waiting for a flight-line position.

There are a few steps that I have to complete before I can "get the call" to go flightline: a Metro systems ground school, which I completed at the beginning of August, and a Simulator Evaluation that I will be doing on October 7th.

Wait, did I say October 7th? In two weeks?

Yes, yes I did. Guess what's been occupying a lot of my time lately?

<- Practicing for the sim eval

So besides the panic of this evaluation, we've had fall arrive here in Thompson, and it's actually really nice.

When I'm not working or studying, I've been doing some fishing, reading, and other shenanigans.

We decided that we couldn't drive through that puddle, so we continued on foot, thinking that the lake we wanted to get to was near-by... 3 hours later and we finally made it and still had to hike three hours back...

I also went to Saskatoon to visit my sister, which was nice, and I rented a 172 to do a bit of flying while I was there.

So life here is good, even though it's getting cold again...

But that's neither here nor there.

I've said before that I've been called to mission aviation, that's why I went to Prairie in the first place. Now what I'm doing here is not mission aviation (though of course we are called to witness wherever we are), but I'm not giving up on full-time missions at all.

It takes experience to be a mission pilot, and I'm not just talking about flight experience. Here in Thompson, I am getting the aviation industry experience that I need, but I'm also getting valuable experience in being a witness for Christ in "the real world" while doing everyday chores and while doing my job.

Allow me to recap: I'm sorry I haven't been posting, I'm having a good time, life's good, I'm doing my sim eval soon (Deep breaths!), and I'm always preparing for the mission field.

I'm going to try to get a writing schedule going for this blog, I'm thinking bi-weekly... we'll see how long that lasts.

 Hey mom, guess what we saw at the zoo? ->

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